One of the things I’ve spoken to a few people about on my US trip is the pressure the 3 year PhD creates on thinking about jobs quite early on. In the US with people taking maybe 5-7 years, this is less the case (and funding arrangements are so different anyway it’s a different game!). So! I’m officially looking! (But not really, not properly for another year at **least…**besides, it’s the wrong time of year right now). I am, however, thinking about where I want to be paying attention to when I do apply. I know some places I’d like to work, but I can’t guarantee they’ll have openings/funding. And of course, the ideal project might pop up somewhere ‘unlikely’! Of course, I also want to think about the location and future prospects of my next step. Anyway, to that end I’m going to start collecting together some job hunting links here (in no particular order except the first one): * – Manchester’s ‘How to Find An Academic Job’ page of links. I’ve taken a lot of the below from that (but filtered some out) * – the THE (Times Higher Education) job portal, particularly for UK jobs * []1/ – jobs portal for European academic jobs, with job alert function * – Some advice on seeking academic jobs in the US. The comments section is more useful than the article itself in many ways, particularly given the article is a touch hard n fast, while the comments make it clear actually there’s a lot of discipline/university/job variation (which is exactly what we’d expect really!) * – the US equivalent of the Times Higher Education (THE); job section (duh) * – Dutch Academic Career Network * – PostDoc and PhD jobs, global search (although at the moment there are maybe ~100 found through the search functions, and only 2 in humanities) * []2 – another portal (I dislike opaque URLs like this…presumably this is from a search I conducted previously) Of course, many jobs will never hit one of these sites (I guess particularly industry jobs). Not sure how to keep track of what’s going, when…but [my Linkedin profile]3 might be one way I guess cough. Welcome other thoughts on this in the comments/via twitter/email/pigeon. (In parallel to this post I wrote a “[what am I doing a PhD in]4” post discussing the difficulties of labelling topics and disciplines, especially in inter-disciplinary work)
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