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Pick issues that address: (a) Content and skills (b) Student lives (now and in the future) (c) Features of disagreement and uncertainty

Consider the curricula connections you’re seeking to address

Consider student knowledge, issues of local relevance and their societal concerns, and availability of relevant materials (including media)

Consider the type of disagreement or uncertainty present in the issue and whether it matches the curricula aims.

Curricula connections and disiplinary practices

Teaching moves

Learners and their lives

What kind of issue is it? How is connected to disciplinary and societal concerns (and learner knowledge and interests in both)? What will learners know about the issue already, and how is it consequential for their lives?

Select issue

Encounter focal issue

Centre the issue and its connection to (a) discipline knowledge, and (b) student lives / societal concerns

Use disciplinary ideas and practices to identify, consider, and evaluate perspectives on the issue and their social dimensions. Engage with media and other resources of relevance to the issue and learner lives.

Work with the issue

In the context of the focal issue: (1) Explicitly target development of key curricula concepts and disciplinary skills; and consideration of social or ethical dimensions

Consider disciplinary epistemic norms and practices; source evaluation, systems mapping, data analysis and critique, media analysis, stakeholder mapping, etc.

Consider how learners can be brought into the disciplinary and community epistemic norms through their learning about practices, and engagement with the wider context of the issue

Use a culminating activity to support learners in applying reasoning to bringing together the ideas. They should consider their own view, other’s perspectives, and evidence.


Consider opportunities for authentic outputs such as argumentative letters or advice, that connect to learner lives. Consider the materials they will encounter in day-to-day life.

Consider formative and summative assessment of argument skills in writing or presentation, and expectations regarding connection of synthesis to key concepts and integration of them from materials.

Provide scaffolding as appropriate for developing arguments and representing perspectives. Develop learner capacity for learning through sequencing of support and formative feedback.

Students will seek/encounter different perspectives on the issue, and need to critically engage across this material and its origins. Discussion and other scaffolds will help structure and develop understanding.

Students create external product and consider how the tasks relate to their every-day engagement with issues and media.

Students will construct a model of what the task requires, and what information they have, and need to address it. Support to integrate prior knowledge, and develop inquiry strategies (information seeking or original inquiry) may be needed