flowchart LR
subgraph Approaches
    subgraph Kilinc
      direction TB
      stickers["`Sticker to facts (avoid value-based discussions instead sticking to discipline concepts)`"]
      imposers["`Imposer (aim to influence beliefs)`"]
      democracy["`Democracy advocate (promote discussion of range of perspectives as neutral arbiter)`"]
      impartialist["`Committed impartialist (as 'democracy advocates' but recognizing their own perspective on the issue)`"]
    subgraph Papamichael
      direction TB
      neutral["`Neutral chairperson (act as neutral chair of views presented, facilitating discussion only)`"]
      balanced["`Balanced approach (present range of views without stating own)`"]
      devil["`Devil's advocate approach (teacher takes view opposite to that of students)`"]
      stated["`Stated commitment approach, teacher states their view on issue`"]
      ally["`Ally approach, teacher takes side of a particular group of students`"]
      official["`Official line approach, teacher promotes perspective provided by public authority`"]
    subgraph Chinn["Chinn et al"]
      direction TB
      exclude["`Exclude the disagreement (do not teach disagreement/remove content from curriculum)`"]
      engage["`Teach the divergent views on deep epistemic disagreements`"]
      favour["`Favour particular ways of knowing`"]
      multiple["`Favour multiple ways of knowing`"]
      contingent["`Favour different ways of knowing in different contexts`"]
  subgraph dir["Is the teaching directive or not?"]
    direction TB
    subgraph Kindlinger["`Kindlinger`"]
      directive["`Students directed to particular perspective, or away from their current perspective`"]
      nondirective["`Students not directed to particular perspective or approach to forming perspective`"]
    subgraph other
      omit["`Do not address controversy`"]
      contextual["`Directive with regards to evaluation or assessment of ways of knowing and their suitability in context; but nondirective in basic disagreement or regarding status in deep disagreement`"]
  democracy -.-> neutral
  democracy -.-> balanced
  democracy -.-> devil
  impartialist <--> stated
  imposers -.subtype 'imposes' the 'official' view.-> official --- directive
  devil --> directive
  neutral --> nondirective
  balanced --> nondirective
  ally -.-> nondirective
  ally -.-> directive
  stated --> nondirective
  stickers --> omit
  exclude --> omit
  engage --> nondirective
  favour --> directive
  multiple --> contextual
  contingent --> contextual