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Overarching: where is evidence/ theory in education? Learning through materials, practices, and policies

Aim: Capacity to ethically navigate uncertainty, disagreement, and evidence

Students are exposed to topics exemplfying uncertainty and disagreement, with strategies to ethically navigate these

Institutions create space for respectfully navigating disagreement and uncertainty, holding epistemic norms

Communities engage constructively with each other and creating constructive environment for teaching

Expert teachers can identify suitable issues, and support and assess learning

Through topic selection

Through task design

Through criteria and feedback that target epistemic norms and virtue

Through expert teacher knowledge of subject, learners, and context


Secondary Drivers

Primary Drivers

Overall aim

Awareness of complexity & reasons for uncertainty + disagreement

Practices in strategies for navigating uncertainty and disagreement

How do we share and develop evidence-informed practice through evidence-synthesis materials? Addressed via evidence regarding: evidence synthesis materials synthesis models or, how do we make toolkits? Using search flags: all(toolkit TRUE, is_review TRUE) Plus a review of toolkits (Keith question)

What are the opportunities or sites for ethically-oriented epistemic cognition in complex socioscientific synthesis tasks? Value of epistemic cognition, significance of socioscientific issues and synthesis writing, and the role of justice. the design of … Topic selection Synthesis tasks Surrounding tasks Management of justice queries all(toolkit TRUE, any(epcog TRUE, is_socio TRUE, synthesis TRUE, vuca == TRUE)) And particular attention to ‘justice’.

How can epistemic cognition be effectively integrated into secondary-school classroom? presence of socioscientific issues, VUCA, and issues of epistemic justice in Australian education Curriculum review all(is_aus == TRUE)

How do we assess the epistemic demand(s) of classroom tasks?

Evidence regarding task analysis and demand modelling (in this space)

all(task == TRUE)

How do we assess and develop the epistemic capacity of student responses? Evidence regarding assessment and measurement

Institutions have explicit guidelines to make space for constructive dialogue

Institutions provide support for developing capacity with stakeholders

Communities articulate and work with values and norms for constructive engagement

Teacher professional judgement is supported to create positive learning environments

Teachers are supported in developing capacity to support and assess learning

Communities have mechanisms for reviewing ideals, and holding space for disagreement

NSW DoE, 1983, Controversial Issues in Schools Policy